The Healing Arts: 18 Things Healers Learn, #17; Answers Appear In the Space In Between

It has been said of Frank Sinatra that his power as a singer was not so much in what he did with the notes, but what he did with the space in between those notes. In music, tones come out of nowhere and recede back into nothing, and their relationship with each other and those spaces combine to make up the body of a complete piece that moves us. There is no music without the space in between; it is defined by it.

There are no words without the space in between. There is nothing that exists without the space in between. It is as integral and essential as the matter that defines our universe.

The space in between is not empty, for too much goes on there. It is a place, however, where there are no distractions; a free space through which everything else comes forth as a result of interaction. Without it, we would be an immense, formless thing called