Why Do Humans Have So Many Wars?

Do you ever ask yourself why humans have so many wars? It seems all of the prerecorded history is filled with stories about war, but why? It seems to be added eight characteristic of mankind with societies get too large. Perhaps it has been a way to control runaway human populations in times of abundance? Or maybe it has something to do with our evolutionary process and if we did not have wars, human beings may never have reached the top of the food chain and basically controlling the surface of the Earth.

War is a fact of life and a sense, which gives the human endeavor purpose. I did not invent that, but I sure as heck will move to protect my nation from any threat foreign or domestic. Humans are the problem not the USA as many in the world mass media hysteria would like to purport.

Before modern wars and high-tech military equipment with aircraft carriers, satellites, submarines, radar, electronic equipment, aircraft, missiles, guns, there were knives, swords, catapults, ramming tools, warships, Greek fire and lances. The reason I mention this is because many would have you believe that the massive amounts of weapons sales in the world or the cause of war. Many believe that building up a military machine for a nation will inevitably lead to war. For instance Einstein's quote;