Understanding Atheism

Atheism is perhaps the most misunderstood category in the range of beliefs on the market. It can be a difficult to define, incorporating, under its umbrella, a host of attitudes about the non-existence of god. Atheism is the absence of a belief in deities but this definition includes those that make no claim either way. Since theism is the belief in the existence of god(s) and atheism is the antithesis of that, the latter group should more accurately be classified as agnostics or non-theists. Agnosticism is the belief that we cannot know whether god(s) exist or not, while Non-theism, is the absence of any claim towards the existence or non-existence of god(s).

The plot is further complicated by the split of atheism into two subcategories; Strong and Weak. Weak atheism is simply a non-belief in a deity of any type, while Strong atheism takes this disbelief a step further and proclaim that god does not exist. In my opinion, atheism is passive. A person simply does not believe in the existence of god or gods. Not only that, I believe that Strong Atheism is misunderstood in the sense that people in this group are not railing against an actual entity (which would be ridiculous seeing as we hold no belief that one exists) but the concept of such an entity. They are not saying,