"I'm Sorry I Killed Myself"

There is a new television program on this season called Ghost Whisperer. I happen to love ghost programs so I have watched it on occasion.

There was a program on recently about this troubled young man who was in love with a woman. The woman he was in love with was moving out of the state to start a wonderful new job and he was not part of her future.

While this troubled young man was happy for her positive career move he could not visualize his life without her.

That same evening this man decided to jump off a bridge and end his life. He came back to the Ghost Whisper two years later. He was a troubled young man alive but now he was even more troubled deceased.

The Ghost Whisperer is a wonderful young actress who sees and speaks to ghosts. She helps the ghosts settle there past problems with their families. The families and the ghost have closure. The ghost moves on and the family is happier that they had heard from their deceased family member. Both the ghost and family members are now at peace.

Not all the episodes are people becoming ghost from suicide. Some of stories are about disease and accidents.

In this episode the ghost wanted the Ghost Whisper to help him tie up the loose ends with his past love so he could move on to the next level.

But the most amazing part of this story is what this young ghost said next.