Meditation & Truth

To truly attain stillness is not an easy task but however, if one were to attain the stage of self realization, one must be a master of stillness. Stillness attained by meditation is the most common way. What is then stillness and what is meditation? What is the link between these two?

When a person meditates, he tries to achieve tranquility and when it is achieved, the mind will be at peace. Being peaceful to the surrounding, nothing can disturb him and therefore, calmness is being practised. Calmness is slightly different from total stillness because a mind may be calm but total stillness is not observed. In practising meditation, calmness may be the first stage but the ultimate aim of meditation is to reach the stage of total stillness. One may see much realization when one reaches the stage of stillness. The realization of Truth will bring out the true self that is well-hidden within the physical body.

There are many ways of meditation. The most common way is mainly sit cross-legged and try to meditate by concentrating on one object. It is better if one can attain a stage of objectless awareness. When one can attain the stage of total stillness, then this same stillness can be observed while sitting, standing, walking or merely lying down. For when stillness is attained, serene will be the mind. Thus, at all times his thinking and pureness of mind are always in the stillness form. Stillness does not mean that there is no action. Though inactive in its tranquil state but it is in this state that everything can be realized.

Some people think that meditation is merely sitting down trying to keep minds clear and blank. This is not true because it is one way to realize the Truth and find their true-selves. Understand that real is unreal, and unreal yet real. Emptiness is not truly empty in its way. Though not empty, emptiness must be observed in certain way. When talking about emptiness, it is very difficult to understand.

All things, whether good or evil, begin from the heart. Everything is the creation of one