The Best Secret to Achieving and Maintaining Weight Loss

Did you know that the current statistics in the United States estimates that 75% of Americans are overweight, and 40% are obese?

Why do you suppose that might be happening?

As a culture in our modern day technologies, we are so very driven by the advertising sector of our environment. Every day we are solicited for our hard earned dollars. Newer, better products emerge on the market for our approval, and our money.

It's not surprising then, that you can be mislead by advertising, after all, big companies hire advertising firms to help them market and sell product. The manufactured beverage industry is one of the biggest.

And here in lies the best secret to weight loss!

Many countries of modern technology have populations of people that have chronic dehydration problems, along with modernized diets. All overweight and obese people, are in a basic state of confusion of when they are thirsty. They also don't know the difference between