
Masks are being used since ages as a means of skin treatment. Different regions have experimented with different materials for making masks, for e.g., the Egyptians used mud and clay to eliminate wastes and blemishes from the skin. Europeans tried using milk and raw egg fluid to cleanse the skin. These masks remove all the microorganisms present in the skin that block the pores in the skin causing acne. Besides it acts as a skin moisturizer.

Clay is an important element present in the earth that can be mixed with water to form a smooth paste and thereby provide a smooth texture for the skin. While forming a paste add about 15 spoons of oil and when applied to the skin it turns smooth. If the skin is basically dry, then add 1 tbl of primrose base oil so that your skin receives additional moistening.

Oatmeal is also an ideal ingredient used for smoothening of the skin. When this powder is mixed with milk or water, then a paste is formed and this can be spread over the face up to the throat and you can let it dry for a few minutes. After drying it will smoothen, soften and remove all the dead cells present in the skin. To obtain a faster result, add 1 blended egg or nonfat dry milk or