Memoir Writing Help, Memoir Writing Ideas

You might not need any memoir writing help, per se, as you know your past and you know quite well how to write, thank you. You might instead just need someone to inspire you, motivate you, give you a nudge--with some memoir writing ideas.

Here are a few prompts to stimulate your memory and to encourage your creativity...of which you have plenty to work with and to share. So do the activities (or at least one), and share them (or it) with loved ones...or with me if you wish. I love reading your memoirs and responding.


Starting on June 17, 1976, Diego and Susy Goldberg, of Buenos Ares, Argentina, photographed head shots of each member of the day every year. Of course, they started as a family of two--Diego and Susy--and have over the years created a photo essay that captures their physical growth (and more) over time.

Visit the website and study the photo essay, "Time" (at magazine/essays/diegotime/time.html).

In words instead of photos, choose one day of your family's life (starting with your parents or guardians and adding you as a child) and describe what you each look like. Do this for one day every year for as many years as you can.


All art is a response to something--other art, an event in our culture, a moment in history. Look at the photos (on or anywhere on the web, and write a page or two of your immediate associations with that picture.

For example, look at the photo of the old 50