Recollection Of Dangwa

Going to the lit up street
Where blooms and fragrances are born
There was happiness, a kind inspired by amiability

As the tiny drops
of condensed vapor
Descended freely, hitting
the car's
Mixture of silver and grey pigments,
Wit marked by attentive caution
was expressed in words, hitting
the surface
where blood flows and paradox lies.

A mind oblivious
of the possible detriment
of personal attachments
dubiously questions

the person
the friendship
What's real

Yet still holds trust
and faith

Coming from the lit up street
Where blooms and fragrances are left
There was obscurity, the kind
which in time becomes lucid.

About the Author: Nicole Limos is a Communication Arts major who has passion for the arts. She loves photography, design, writing and travel.
