Why You Should Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is a difficult and time-consuming process and being determined is the most important element. This process will be much easier if your mind is made up and you always know by heart the answers for the question "Why should I quit smoking?"

Of course the first reason for stopping smoking is your own health. Many people have died from diseases caused by smoking. Smoking can cause lung cancer, heart diseases, asthma, emphysema, chronic coughing, shortness of breath, etc. Besides that, men may suffer impotence because of smoking and women who smoke often take longer to become pregnant and face the higher risk of miscarrying. By quitting smoking, you can reduce considerably the risk of having these health problems and thus lead a happier life.

Think about others' health. Second-hand smokers face the same health problems as people who smoke. By smoking you can damage other family members' health, especially small children. Smoking mothers are more likely to have premature babies or babies with birth defects.

Don't destroy your beauty by smoking. Smokers often have discolored teeth, their eyes look more tired and their complexion doesn't look fresh and healthy. You will get old much faster if you smoke. Therefore, if you want to have fewer wrinkles, stop smoking right away.

Stopping smoking means that you smell better. Not only your breath smells better, your clothes, hair, home and car will also have a better smell. Don't make everyone keep far away from you because of those bad smells. Make your life fresh, clean and sweet-smelling by quitting smoking from now.

Have a better financial status. As most Governments levy high taxes on cigars and cigarettes, those are luxury goods and very expensive. By quitting smoking, you can save a large amount of money every month. You will be able to afford many other leisure activities or invest that amount in some profitable business.

Quitting smoking means setting a good example for your family, especially your children. It is known that children in a family which has smokers are more likely to smoke in the future. Giving up smoking shows that you care about your health and that of your family.

Quit smoking and live longer. Besides keeping yourself free from smoking related diseases, you will improve your health a great deal by giving up smoking and thus have a longer life span. It is stated that smoking can make your life span shorter by more than 10 years. Think of how much 10 years means to you and quit smoking right from today.

Michael Russell - EzineArticles Expert Author

Michael Russell

Your Independent Stop Smoking guide.