Climate Change and Abrupt Swinging of Pendulum of Mother Earth

The big debate over climate change hinges around the question of how much is mankind contributing to the perceived warming of the atmosphere around our pale blue dot? And if we are causing a shift in global warming then what should or can we do about it now?

We know the Earth has ice ages and warming periods and it goes thru cycles; controlling of such events or minimizing one set of events might shallow out a major pendulum swing, which if gone unchecked could place hardship on human civilizations with 10-30 Billion people on the planet in a few decades. Consider if you will the potential eventuality of crop failures, lack of water, severe weather, natural disasters, etc.

Knowing the most you can about the cycles of normality and within the fuzzy boundary borders of the past and future we can better predict and perhaps intervene temporarily or enough to prevent a catastrophic event which could hurt mankind