Free DirecTV Deals FAQ

There are more than 30 millions satellite TV users in United States. More than half of them are using DirecTV satellite system as DirecTV stands as the nation largest satellite TV provider. In combination with massive publicity and marketing campaign by its dealers, DirecTV is now a house well-known household name. Although ad promoting free DirecTV offers can be seen everywhere, very few people knows about the facts about these free DirecTV deals. Bombastic commercial slogan does not give the facts of the deals and they often sound even confusing to those looking for free DirecTV satellite TV offers.

So, who is DirecTV?

DirecTV (often abbreviated as DTV), who went live in 1994, were the first North American DBS service. DirecTV service currently covers more than 93% of the United States including Hawaii and Alaska. You can easily notice its presence easily by observing the small 18-inch satellite dishes at the top of the roof around your neighborhood. DirecTV typically uses a 18-inch round or oval shape satellite dishes for its signal transmissions.