Transfer Domain Registration

For transfer of domain, you should apply to the gaining registrar, as it is responsible for the operation. It is the duty of the gaining registrar to ensure that the application for transfer by the domain owner is a valid one. The validation usually is in the form of an email sent to the admin contact that requires a reply. In some cases, however, signed faxes are used. Losing registrars these days may resort to 'double-checking.' In this case, they will perform additional security checks if you seek transfer from them. The losing registrars may ask you to reply to an email, or dispatch a notarized letter. After completion of the transfer, a year is always added to the end of the registration period.

If you have your names registered with a number of registrars, it will be better if you transfer them to one single registrar to make the domain management process much simpler. You should go for transfer as soon as you decide to do so. Or else, if the transfer application is not processed by the losing registrar on the domain's expiry date, they can put your name "on hold" for non-payment resulting in more holes in your pocket. Usually, it takes ten working days (in some cases, not more than a couple of days) for most transfers to take place. Even then, you should ideally expect a month