Prevention of Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Stretch marks, medically known as Striae Gravid Arum, are the most common pregnancy related skin condition. Stretch marks are usually deep red (although sometimes blue) lines that appear on your tummy. They usually start at your navel and spread all across the abdomen. They also can make an appearance on your breasts, upper arms, thighs, hips and on the buttock. Stretch marks normally begin when you enter the second trimester.

Are you at risk of developing stretch marks? If your mom has stretch marks then most likely you will too, since they are hereditary. You are more likely to get additional stretch marks if you have them from previous pregnancies. Ethnicity also matters. Natural blonde-haired people and those with light complexions are the greatest at risk of developing stretch marks. Those with dark complexions are least likely to develop them.

Ways to decrease your risks include:

Control your weight gain. When you put on pounds too quickly, the skin starts stretching rapidly. This causes the underlying dermal structures to break down forming stretch marks. While a healthy weight gain is an important part of the pregnancy, it is best to gain weight slowly and gradually.

Keeping your skin hydrated is essential for reducing stretch marks. Skin has qualities that are more elastic when it is moisturized well. Drinking lots of water helps keep your body healthy and your skin hydrated so it will stretch as your baby grows.

Almost any cosmetic or lotion for dry skin will work for extra moisturizing, especially your stomach area. The more a product is applied to the skin, the more it is absorbed. You want to make sure to read the ingredients before applying to find out if use during pregnancy is safe.

The absorption of the product will be relatively small and probably not much to be concerned about. It is best to use as natural a skin product as possible. Pure cocoa butter is just one that will give you all the moisturizing your body needs without any risks.

Prevention of stretch marks is not scientifically proved by any method or product. However, women of many generations have proven that cocoa butter does help. Cocoa butter is an all-natural fat derived from cocoa beans. Known for their excellent moisturizing properties, cocoa beans keep skin conditioned and help to avoid stretch marks. You will want to get the purest of cocoa butter, which is 100%. If you can't find 100% cocoa butter or would rather make your own cream, there are many recipes and resources available on the internet or at your local library.

If you are already experiencing stretch marks, get some moisturizer on your skin. The sooner the better since the stretch marks are likely to disappear or a least be less noticeable.

You can help to prevent stretch marks caused by pregnancy with a little lotion and maybe some luck.

Michael Russell - EzineArticles Expert Author

Michael Russell

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