Lack of Discipline with Executive Management

We sure seem to see a sense of entitlement of the graduating classes of MBA Students. You know they just think they know everything. Having done much public speaking on the subject of business, management and marketing I was always completely under whelmed at the questions that these business students would ask me.

I use to think to myself what an idiot under my breath, but of course I was cordial. Much in the same way that many executive managers are condescending to their middle managers. And much in the same way as the President of the Company or even the Board of Directors are to their underlings. But in the end someone really needs to take these young hot shot know it alls and shake them silly, as they lack discipline, have too much arrogance for their britches and way too much lack or knowledge and experience for their outrageous attitudes.

Okay in continuing on this premise everyone has to start somewhere and these youth just don