Gravity Waves Inside a Hurricane

Is a Hurricane Eye-Wall limiting enough to allow us to manipulate gravity waves within it? What if we could slightly change the gravity waves inside a Hurricane ever so lightly? If we could increase them we could make a vortex funnel into the ocean or if we could decrease them we could raise the ocean surface.

What if the eye-wall of a Hurricane with the rushing winds all around could be made as a barrier to waves, which we put in side of the Hurricane? What if we could have a sound device in the center pulsating to the edges of the eye-wall and then these multiple factors provided us the barriers to do such an experiment? What if the experiment stopped the Hurricane or made it worse?

What if it actually worked and along with the upward winds we could incite a gravity wave to launch something extremely heavy up into the atmosphere near the top? Like a large spacecraft? Sounds a lot like a runaway Science Fiction movie doesn