Foods For Effective Colon Cleansing

Problems with the digestive system are among the greatest and the most dangerous, but are often the most commonly ignored. One of the most prevalent causes of digestive problems starts with a problem in the colon. The colon serves as the waste disposal unit of the body. This is where waste and toxic substances are deposited before they are passed from the body.

A properly functioning colon needs to be able to absorb nutrients and then remove the waste materials before they can poison the body. If waste materials are not properly removed autointoxication occurs or re-absorption of the toxic waste. It is really very easy for putrefied waste to be absorbed through the colon wall into the bloodstream and then start damaging other organs of the body. A person may be considered having a healthy colon if he or she is having bowel movements two to three times per day.

Juice fasting is a great way of cleansing the colon. There are various juice fasting recipes that may be easily done at home. Vegetable juices are excellent colon cleansers especially if one to twenty cups of freshly pressed vegetables juices are consumed. The choice of vegetables would depend on the person