Preventing the Danger and Liability of Workplace Violence

Each week, roughly 17 people are murdered while on the job and 33,000 more are assaulted. This adds up to big liability for companies, not to mention tremendous heartache and pain. This high level of violence stems from on-the-job stress and increasing economic pressure. Your due diligence as an employer will not only protect the employees you value so much, but pay off in court should you ever find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having to defend your business practices in a case of negligence. Here you will find some brief guidelines for identifying risk factors and preventing workplace violence.

Risk Factor: High stress work environments

Stressful environments alone are a risk factor for workplace violence. According to a survey by Northwestern National Life, 25% of employees view their jobs as the primary source of stress in their lives. When people feel trapped under pressure, they are more likely to react violently.


Stress related violence tends to have quite a few warning signs. It