Fuel Freedom International Business Plan

The demand for gas is soaring and so are the prices. Oil prices have already reached their record highs - $74 a barrel. No wonder that Gas savers are in great demand and have the market booming with all possible categories and types of gas mileage savers. There is flourishing market available for fuel additives, alternative gas fuels, high mileage vehicles and hybrid cars; every effort is going on in the market to beat the price crunch.

As a category, the gas savers score over the other means of fuel additives due to their low prices and simplicity of their use. Some of these gas savers may be incompatible with 2-stroke engine oil additives. Some of them also block filters. Worse, some of them are sold in the market even without necessary approvals from the EPA.

Unlike other commercially promoted gas mileage enhancer MPG-CAP