Get Your Baby Out Into The Fresh Air

Breathing in fresh air - there's nothing quite like it. For baby, too, it's very important to get out in the fresh air regularly, if you possibly can. If not, try and make sure the nursery is well ventilated, allowing a reasonable flow of fresh air through the room. Stale, stagnant air tends to harbour germs and dust mites, neither of which does baby any good. Avoid enclosing the cot with curtains or anything else that might restrict the flow of air.

It's also good to try and keep baby in a well ventilated room during waking hours as well, preferably not one that's over heated and stuffy. Nowadays we have a tendency to heat our houses to such a level that it's possible to walk around in a T-shirt no matter what time of year it is. Turn the heating down, and dress baby a little more warmly - it will be much better for baby's health.

The best fresh air, of course, can be found outside. Naturally your fresh air expeditions have to be suited to the season, and the weather on the day. Remember that babies are quite resilient, and if well wrapped up and with a warm hat on their head, will still enjoy going for a stroll outside as long as the weather is clear. Some strollers and prams have rain hoods that can be attached in the event of a shower, but it's not a good idea to use one for the whole of the walk - baby won't be getting a lot of good, healthy fresh air, just recycling the same air over and over again. So you're basically wasting your time. Still, it's handy to have one available to cover the stroller if an unexpected shower occurs.

Infants love to be taken to new environments, particularly once they're able to sit in a stroller and look around them. A walk to the local park can provide enormous enjoyment to your child, as well as lots of fresh air. Even something as simple as being under a tree, lying in his pram and gazing up at the leaves moving in the wind, provides great entertainment for your baby. So don't worry too much about having to think of new, exotic locations to visit with your baby every time you go out. Remember that babies like the simple things best, and there are plenty of those available for free.

Discover more great parenting tips at Info About Baby You can sign up for a FREE Baby Tips newsletter at Baby Tips Newsletter. The author's book about babies is available at Baby's First Year