The Inner Secret Of Creating A Positive Mental Attitude

I'm sure that you've heard of the importance of a positive mental attitude in all that you do.

If not let me refresh your consciousness.

A positive mental attitude is the creator of every aspect of your life. So if you are thinking positively that means that you are creating a life that is desirable to you. After all positive is equivalent to "desirable" is it not?

Many individuals however find themselves stuck in a "negative" mental attitude. In other words they are creating a life that they "don't want".

The important point that I need to stress here is that it is always YOU who are doing the creating! Whether positive or negative you are the creator of it.

So how does that make you feel? If you recognize that you are the creator of every aspect of your life that should feel inherently empowering shouldn't it? Well of course because that means that you recognize that you can change whatever you want if and when you want to change it.

That's true power!

Now some of you may find it hard to accept that you are in charge of every aspect of your life. Why is that do you think?

Well with some reflection you may try to justify your lack of power by saying things like:

1. I've been stuck in a horrible life and I don't have any evidence of my ability to change anything.

2. I'm afraid that if I was in charge of everything that would make me feel responsible and guilty for having done such horrible things to myself.

3. I simply couldn't tolerate the overwhelming responsibility of making things work properly.

4. I'm afraid that I would just fail miserably.

5. I'm afraid I wouldn't know what to do with myself if life were too good.

6. Self pity is a safe and comfortable state to be in.

7. It's easier to blame others for your situation.

And so on.

Ultimately all of this is about the fear of being responsible and accountable to yourself for your decisions.

So what is the usefulness of such a fear?

Well some would say that it:

1. Keeps them safe from ever making a decision that will fail, so that,

2. They will protect themselves from feeling disappointed or hurt, so that,

3. They will feel safe, secure, at peace, comfortable, and calm, so that,

4. Their life will feel stable and therefore they will feel contented, happy and therefore able to venture into the world with a carefree attitude.

In other words if we summarize what has just been said we have:

The fear of being responsible and accountable for one's life decisions causes them to feel contented, happy and carefree.

Now does that sound like a true statement to you?

If you