100-Year-Old Copywriting Secret Makes All The Claims In Your Marketing Ten Times More Believable

If you would like to know a simple way of making the claims in your copy -- whether they are big or small claims -- up to ten times more believable and powerful, then this article will show you how.

Look at these two pieces of copy and guess which one has a better chance of being believed:

1.) ...and today only we are giving away everything in the store for 90% off the sticker price!

2.)...and because they are tearing up the street outside our store and you will have to walk about four blocks to get to us...for today only we are giving away everything in the store for 90% off the sticker price!

See the difference?

The first one talks about an outrageous offer unheard of anywhere else. But people may wonder why? It almost sounds like a sleazy ploy (sometimes used by the used car business) just to get you in the door.

The second example, on the other hand, gives you a drawback -- a "negative claim" -- before telling you the spectacular offer. Not only does it give you a reason why for the 90% off...but it tells you about how it may be a bit of an inconvenience to get to the store.

Now, at first glance, this may not seem like a big deal.

But it is.

Because it has been proven in test after test after test...by advertising and marketing experts for the past 50+ years...if you put a negative claim or drawback before a positive claim (and especially if it's an outrageously generous claim) it makes the positive claim up to ten times more effective and believable.

If you want to see this phenomenon for yourself, try it in one of your ads. Test being up front and bold about a negative claim before making a big promise. I think you will be surprised by what you discover.

Ben Settle - EzineArticles Expert Author

Ben Settle is an expert copywriter and direct marketer. If you liked this article then check out Ben's website at http://bensettle.com -- and get your hands on over 500 pages of advertising ideas, strategies and tactics just like this one -- as well as rare swipe file ads and hot marketing information not easily found anywhere else.