Autistic Children and Adulthood

Autistic Children or NeuroTypical Children are becoming more and more common in our civilization and there are many theories as to why this is. But whatever the reason we will have to address those already here and help these children into adulthood, so they can better function on their own you see?

You know many people have told me that later in life the Autistic children are perfectly fine. One researcher who is not generally considered widely as an expert has a theory that Autism, which some call a disease; may actually be a simple evolutionary step of humans, where the brain just takes longer to form and forms differently. So, it maybe a positive thing in the end but currently it does not fit into the way we have our education system set up for little humans.

If he is correct and is theories are a close proximity or part of the reality of Autism then maybe we are dealing with these autistic or nuerotypical children incorrectly and actually that has been one of my guestimations; that we are not handling this situation right and thus making the issues much more difficult than they need to be.

If this researcher is correct, then in actuality this would be ushering a new age of human cognition and our society need not call these neurotypical or Autistic Children "stupid" or "slow learners" and such, but rather consider what they can do that is different or better than us. If you catch someone stating such notions of