Hoodia Comparison: Two 100% Hoodia Gordonii Products

Clinical research into the side effects of hoodia gordonii has not been completed at this time. All sources report no unwanted side effects among users of 100% hoodia gordonii products or extracts. Final clinical research should include possible drug interactions, but often there are no such studies into reactions with natural products like herbs. This is important to remember if you are considering a hoodia herb combo like Hoodia Gordonii Plus, but this hoodia comparison focuses on 100% hoodia gordonii products, comparing price, hoodia content and other considerations.

Hoodia XR is a 100% hoodia gordonii is distributed by an American company called Great Herbal Labs. According to their website, they have been in the herbal supplement business since 2001. The first item in this hoodia comparison is price, because this is a major consideration for many people. Hoodia XR 100% hoodia gordonii is currently selling for $49.95 per bottle plus shipping. Customers receive free Fed Ex shipping and a 10% discount when two bottles are purchased at the same time. With three bottles the company offers a 25% discount as well as free shipping. Total price for three bottles of Hoodia XR is $109.95.

Desert Burn Industries sells several different hoodia products, all are 100% hoodia gordonii, but for the purpose of this hoodia comparison, we are looking at Desert Burn ZA 750, which is currently priced at $59.95 per bottle plus shipping and handling. Three bottles cost $149.95 plus $5.00 shipping and handling.

Hoodia content or milligrams per capsule is the next item in this hoodia comparison. Hoodia XR 100% hoodia gordonii is a 1000mg time released capsule. Suggested use is one tablet three times per day or as recommended by a healthcare professional. Desert Burn ZA 750, as the name indicates is 750mg. Suggested use is one or two capsules in the morning and one or two in the afternoon, not to exceed six capsules per day. There is no accepted