Individual Dental Plans

Individual dental plans are designed for people and families looking to save money on dental services. This differs from an insurance scheme in that the employment organizations execute an agreement with the local dental units or dentists to establish a discount for specific sets of dental procedures. The discounts may run as high as 70% in certain cases.

Both large and small employers offer some form of dental plan to their employees as part of their comprehensive benefit policy. The preferred form of the dental plan that is normally offered is the individual dental discount plan.

It is an undeniable truth that regular routine checkups and cleanings by the dentist are the easiest ways to maintain oral health. Most dental plans are structured towards covering the cost of these procedures, which come under preventive care. However, they do not cover treatments such as orthodontics, esthetics or cosmetic restoration such as fillings, crowns, braces and implants.

The escalating premiums required for dental insurance, increased deductibles and extended periods of waiting time have all served to drive families and individuals more in favor of discount dental plans. The advantage of the policy is that it is specifically tailored to cover the person, spouse and unmarried, dependent children. Additionally, it can also be included on Federal income tax returns.

In spite of the tax benefits afforded by dental insurance, in recent times more people opt for the individual discount dental plan where the person is obliged to meet the expenses for the services rendered. The discount offered on the wide variety of services is the major attraction.

Dental Plans provides detailed information on Dental Plans, Dental Insurance Plans, Discount Dental Plans, Individual Dental Plans and more. Dental Plans is affiliated with Employee Benefit Plans.