The Spirit of The Light and How We Receive Information-Part 3

You may also receive information visually, with pictures or images, or audibly; you might hear something. To receive something visually happens in a couple of different ways. You might actually see a vision that involves you or what you have been asking about. You might see a future event, and know that it is the right thing for you, or you might see a collage of images. These are like puzzle pieces.

When you are receiving any information, it is helpful to write down what is being given to you in a notebook or a journal so that you can go back over everything once you have received the information. In the puzzle pieces you might see something that you do not understand, but write down the image as best as you can. Then ask the Spirit of Light its meaning. Now you may see another puzzle piece come as an answer. Write this down, too, without any judgment. You might say to the Spirit of Light,