Coping With Constipation Caused By IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome with constipation is a treatable medical condition. It is characterized by recurring abdominal pain and discomfort, and bloating along with constipation.

IBS with constipation is common to a number of people. Getting accurate information on what causes IBS with constipation may help in improving the condition. It is also recommended to seek medical assistance from doctors who specialize in this type of disorder.

It is not really clear why some people develop IBS with constipation while others do not. IBS with constipation can be caused by a sensitive, slow working gastro-intestinal tract, which causes abdominal pain, bloating and constipation. This was thought to be due to the way the gastrointestinal tract reacts to the changes in serotonin. Serotonin is a natural occurring chemical in the body that plays an important role in making the gastrointestinal tract function normally.

IBS with constipation may also be affected by diet and disease. Most constipation cases are due to insufficient fiber as well as inadequate fluids in the diet. Fibers are important since they help to soften stools, and water or fluids help to flush stools through the body.

Diet is partially to be blamed for the occurrence of constipation especially for people over 65 years old. Constipation occurring in people in this age range is due to medications, poor diet, and lack of water intake, as well as poor muscle tone.

Teenagers or younger people are also at risk of IBS with constipation; in fact, a great number of young people are suffering from irregular bowel movement. They also experience bloating and abdominal pains. Another factor that contributes to IBS constipation is traveling since most people who are traveling tend to suppress the urge to go to the bathroom. There are also some cases where some people just can