Golf Consistency and Scoring

I am not the best golfer on earth, my handicap varies from 16 to 18 most of the time, but I am not unhappy. I did not take the game up till my thirties, have never had a lesson, nor do I use the best clubs. For me golf is about camaraderie, being out amongst nature, and competing with myself. Luckily I have a great bunch of friends who share these ideals and we have a great time taking a dollar or two off each other.

Therefore my improvement comes from reading books and magazines, and watching golf shows. I read everything I can, and spend ages reading through the 500 odd pages I found at I would like to share with you two tips that without doubt, reduced my handicap.

The First.

As a consistent swing is the aim for most golfers, and it is important to repeat the swing over and over again, but is that possible when the clubs are all a different size. Therefore I maintain the same ball position for every club. I have come to the conclusion that the ball position is the most critical part of the golf swing. To ensure that the stance is comfortable and correct, I move my right foot closer to the left as the club becomes more lofted. Then I can play with the same swing every time, on the same plane. Every now and then (but rarely) I may change the ball position, for example, to cut the ball around a corner, but of course that