Debt Relief Part 2

Credit Card Debt:
Ask yourself these 10 questions about your credit card debt.

1) Did I charge more this month than last without any major purchases such as a new TV.
2) Is my income less and my credit card bill more this month than last?
3) Did I only make the minimum payment on my cards.
4) Did I borrow from one credit card to pay another.
5) Did I use 3 or more credits to make purchases during the month.
6) Did I charge consumables like groceries, gas, or entertainment without paying off that entire amount each month.
7) Do I continuously pay over the limit fees on credit cards.
8) Do I get a new credit card when I max the others out?
9) Am I concerned about the interest rate that I pay?
10) Did I lie or cover up credit card use to my significant other?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to get a handle on the cards. If you answered yes to more than 3 questions, it is time to take a serious look at how to get control.

Spending with plastic is easy, sometimes too easy. It does not feel like you are parting with your money. This means that the temptation is to spend without thinking about the consequences until you open the bill.

Start by using only 1 credit card to make purchases. Use the one with the lowest interest rate and best payment terms. Only make payments on the others. Do not carry the extra cards with you. If you don