Three Months Tops; Iran Has Nuclear Weapons

Well if you think Global Warming or Climate Change is heating up the World; well just wait until an international terrorist organization sponsored by a rogue nation state sets off a nuclear weapon?

Israelis and many in the Intelligence Community believe this could be as close as 3-months away. Even more interesting is that the inspectors have shown that the Uranium being enriched is Chinese Stock.

China also has sold Iran large rockets with 1200 plus mile range. Of course the Russians have also sold them anti-aircraft high-tech equipment. Either way we getting pretty close to crunch time and it seems that the world cannot wait on this problem any longer. Action must be taken unfortunately.

Something must be done as Iran has already threatened or rather promised to; Blow Israel off the map now over a dozen times. Iran also sponsors and supports both Hezbollah and Hamas amongst other international terrorist organizations.

Iran has sent along with Turkey insurgents into Northern Iraq to attack Kurdish Villages and the list of issues that the International Community has with Iran and their behavior is truly a laundry list which looks more like a deluxe roll of toilet paper which never ends. What can we expect from all this in the sound and fury of the present period?

Well you can expect another war and some serious repercussions, so hang on to your hat and tune into your favorite news channel, as it will not be long now folks. History will be repeated and once again Human peace will be cheated, but it is now time to make sure that Iran