How To Get Your Product Offered On Over 80,000 for FREE!

Any marketer knows that nothing beats word of mouth advertising. It is simply the most powerful and cost effective advertising ever known. Even before the days of the Internet. Word of mouth advertising got every business where it is today.

I know many entrepreneurs that never have and never will spend money on advertising. Their entire business comes from people telling other people about their product or service.

Could you imagine never spending money on advertising, but always having a steady stream of customers on your door step begging for your product or service.

There is one catch to running a business only on word of mouth advertising. You must be selling an outstanding product or service. If you sell crap, the only word of mouth advertising you'll have is negative.

I'm sure you've heard the expression before. A satisfied customer will tell three people about your product or service, an unsatisfied customer will tell ten.

If your customers aren't happy you'll have to work ten times harder and spend more money on advertising to sell your product.

Positive word of mouth advertising is unbeatable for two main reasons.

1. It's free advertising. This is self explanatory. The less you have to spend on advertising, the more money you can put in your pocket and back into your business.

2. People are endorsing your product or service. Having someone endorse your product puts you at a greater advantage. When someone tells their friend about the positive experience they've had with your product, there is instant trust. People trust their friends. If a friend says your product is it, they'll instantly trust you. Trust is a huge barrier to break down when it come to selling anything, online or off.

To give you an idea of how powerful word of mouth advertising can be, take a look below. Your online business can grow exponentially without you ever even having to lift a finger.
