Teenage Emotions & Acne

Emotional reactions to acne depend on the severity of the symptoms and signs. Since we all know the skin with acne deviates from the concept of beauty and specially in teenage sufferers may lead to embarrassment, reduced self esteem, social isolation, guilt, anger and even frank anxiety and depression. It is noted that the more disfigurement accompanying the acne the higher the anxiety levels.

Acne can have a (negative) psychological impact that can lead many teenagers to walk around carrying negative self-images that can stick with them and affect their beliefs and actions for the rest of their lives.

Parents can be the crucial piece of the puzzle. Sensitivity from those closest to them can help teens be more self-accepting and do less self-flagellation for some supposed fault. Parents who tell their kids that they are beautiful, precious and special can provide an important psychological bridge over these turbulent feelings. Taking some