Understanding the Actual Causes of Scabies

The cause of scabies is infestation with microscopic mites that burrow into the skin and produce inflammation, rash and itch. Animal mites and parasites may produce temporary allergic reactions and inflammation in people, but are not able to infest them. The main cause of scabies in people is contamination with a particular type of mite, called Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. This microscopic mite lives only on the bodies of human hosts and can be acquired through direct contact with other people or by exposure to contaminated objects. This particular mite is very contagious and an infected person can spread it to hundreds of other persons.

In the past, the causes of scabies were considered to be inappropriate hygiene and unhealthy lifestyle. However, the truth is that scabies has nothing to do with hygiene and can occur in people of all ages and regardless of sex. Children are mostly affected by scabies, due to their permanent interaction with classmates, friends, allowing the spreading of the condition. Elderly people are also susceptible to acquiring scabies, as a consequence of their limited freedom of movement. Scabies can also be sexually transmitted and in many cases the mites infest the skin in the genital region.

The causes of scabies can