How a Mentor can help your Business

Copyright 2006

A dictionary suggests that a mentor is: A wise and trusted counselor or teacher, ( c2006).

In business terms the description 'wise' translates into someone who is experienced in running a successful business operation, and who is adept at passing on that knowledge. With over 65% of businesses failing in their first year of trading, the suggestion would be that new business entrepreneurs should seek all the assistance the can get!

Selecting a Mentor.

So how does an aspiring business person find and select a mentor to help them with the operation of their enterprise? A common starting place is within the family. Is there a relative who has proven business skills, and who has the time and desire to help you? If so, all well and good - just be careful to choose a family member who has the integrity necessary to disagree with you and counsel you, when they perceive it to be necessary.

Secondly, look around your friends and their parents. Perhaps there's someone in that group who can offer genuine assistance and advice from time to time.

Is your operation a franchise? If so, there may well be a mentoring program already set up internally to provide the exact type of assistance you're looking for.

Lastly try contacting you local chamber of commerce - a locally based group of business people who come together to discuss common issues or to lobby the government. Within this group there will likely be successful business operators who may be willing to give of their time and knowledge. You won