Flower Essences Studies

Flower Essences Studies teach that disease is the result of an imbalance or negativity of the soul, and that diluted flower and plant extracts can balance these negativities on a spiritual and emotional level. Flower Essences therapy is similar to the principles of homeopathy, and may be used as an alternative practice to treat both animals and people. Created from nature, Flower Essence therapy is a drug-free, natural way of elevating the mood and healing disease.

Flower Essences are dilute liquid extracts of varied flowers and plants. After the chosen flowers are dried in the sun, a small amount of water is added to the extracted essence and the mixture is preserved with alcohol. This step results in mother tincture, which is diluted again with spring water to make Flower Essence. The essences are used internally or on the skin to balance emotional states, which in turn stimulates the internal healing processes and can help to dissipate illness.

Flower Essences Studies instruct future practitioners in the use of Flower Essences to balance emotional and spiritual wellness and to promote the natural healing abilities of the body.

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Copyright 2006 - All Rights Reserved Michael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for SchoolsGalore.com

M. Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with SchoolsGalore.com. Find Flower Essences Studies at SchoolsGalore.com; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.