32 Days Until I Wed My Love

Wow! With only 32 days until a second marriage you not only have to juggle jobs, wedding announcements and all of the plans but the kids still need you.

It is easy in a whirlwind second romance, to temporarily set aside the teenagers and concentrate on the spouse-to-be. However the kids are extremely important especially now that it seems to them that they will be discarded once the wedding is over. Don't scoff, you were once that age, it is no joke!

I have been spending the majority of my time with my 17 year old daughter, and have explained to my fiance' that she will have me for the rest of my life, but I have precious little time to positively influence my teenage daughter. Of course as much as we need and want to be with each other, she completely understands. You see, she has 3 boys of her own! Now 2 are grown and out of the nest but the baby bird is still 16 and growing and very much needing his Mom.

So the relationship that my fiance and I are nurturing together has often been slowed by a monkey wrench either consciously or subconsciously. However, we keep our focus on the love we have for each other and on our future lives together and love our kids and deal with the daily emergencies, praying and talking honestly with each other and waiting patiently for the 32 days to fly by. Because you know they will.

At 50 years old, gone for me are the days of yore, dragging endlessly like the end of summer vacation. Now it seems like every day is twelve hours long and I wish I could sleep eight of them.

Alan Speaker Jr. uses the time he has left in a day to write down his musings and experiences, hoping to help others and maybe to give a little chuckle or smile to a weary mom or dad hoping also to just get through one more day.