A Vision, The Strategy and The Princess

A vision statement should communicate two things. One is open for the public, the other should only be shared within the organization.

To start with the latter, a vision should elaborate on the uncertainty of the future. Because even though it is uncertain, you should do something with it. You might find scenarios that would sound plausible and than focus on one of them to be the statement of conviction. We all have an opinion about the future. To know it, just talk or write about it, and you will find out what you come up with. This is however not something you want to share with clients.

When you think about the role, place or position of your company in this future you have just pictured, you enter the area of the second aspect of the vision. Brainstorming about this one, would require that the first step is set; you need a vision about the (not to near) future.

A vision may change over time and needs continuous adjustments as new ideas come by or when new truths become clear. The future is made today and each day may bring a surprise, although (real) changes do not come that often.

Discussions about the role of your company in the future are the driving force for any strategy. In this strategy you will outline and communicate how you will get there. A strategy without a vision is a battle (sorry girls) without a princess Marian to fight for...