The Need Of Proof

The Bible story relates this alien thought of others worlds. Its in this statement the evidence of the Bible accounted story takes fact. This alien view expresses a technology outside the truth known by man [adam borne of the earth]. The alien factor in the Bible story conveys not acquired advancement about the reality of our existence. God alien presence in the life created the state of our existence. Our awareness of this alien evidence a mere mimic of the designed acts designed in the Bible account. The earth borne man lack of the Bible story message has us deceived in facts outside its account.

We proclaim the Bible story truth but can not verify these acts through our achieved advancements. We boast an awareness of God without the guidance of the Bible to instruct this reality. Its due to this earth borne man lack of knowledge angel gave this written account about God. We outside the account reality called these acts in the Bible story wonders. Our elevated thinking convey to these acts a primitive sight of understanding and have the consideration only these things were possible. It