Schizophrenia Treatments

Schizophrenia is a disease of the brain, the cause of which is not known. The exact problem in the brain is only partially understood. In this condition a physical ailment creates a serious mental problem. The treatment is aimed at reducing the symptoms and managing the disease.

A person suffering from schizophrenia thinks that he is a special person, a cut above the rest, and so everyone is trying to do him in. He or she suffers from hallucinations and delusions. His thought process is disorderly and becomes far removed from reality.

Anti-psychotic drugs have been used for quite some time and are the first line of treatment for schizophrenia. The early drugs, like clozapine, were as effective as the newer ones. But their side effects were more severe than the newer drugs like risperidone and olanzapine. There are many more drugs under development. These drugs are very effective in preventing hallucinations and delusions. When the symptoms disappear it is important that the drug is tapered down slowly, to prevent relapse. Later in the treatment of schizophrenia, anti-depressive, anti-anxiety and anti-convulsive medications may be necessary to treat other symptoms, like bipolar mania and the side effects of the primary treatment.

Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT) is a treatment given by highly trained health professionals. It is given under general anesthesia and muscle relaxants. It does not cause pain or cause the body to convulse. The shock given in the brain causes a seizure in the brain. Though the exact mode of the cure is not known, it is believed that the electrochemical changes that the shock creates help the patient.

Medication for schizophrenia is normally supported by psychotherapy. Proper psychiatric care, family support and group therapy are some of the treatment options that are very effective. Researchers are still working to find the root cause of Schizophrenia. Possible causes include bad genes, as the disease tends to run in families. The National Institute of Mental Health is sponsoring drugs that may able to cure schizophrenia, not just control symptoms.

Schizophrenia provides detailed information on Schizophrenia, Types Of Schizophrenia, Symptoms Of Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Treatments and more. Schizophrenia is affiliated with Side Effects Of Antidepressants.