Why Hypnosis Offers Only Temporary Results For Self Improvement

I was trained in therapeutic hypnosis and hypnoanalysis and used it in my medical practice for over 15 years. Initially it was extremely exciting to have such a wonderfully powerful modality to work with. Its mysterious and almost magical power was extremely seductive to me and to many of those clients who were drawn to it.

After working with individuals for this lengthy time however I came to the conclusion that whatever changes one may experience through the use of hypnosis they would be temporary at best.

After dealing with my disappointment at this realization I began to wonder why it, like many of the other "powerful" therapies I had trained in also, had limited efficacy over the long term.

Here's what I found.

Therapy, hypnosis included, has the primary goal of assisting clients in changing beliefs, emotions,perceptions and behaviors that are undesirable. Such negativity however is firmly justified and anchored within an individual by the life history (i.e. all the memories of all the incidents in their life) that that created it.

We all accept the presence of that "life history" within ourselves, think of it as "who we are", justify it as a valuable learning experience, defend it afraid that if we lose it we might go crazy and so on.

In other words we are very reluctant to let it go.

So as long as it remains there inside you it continues to feed all of those negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions, behaviors on a daily basis, pure and simple.

So any attempt to stem the negativity that is spewed out by this subterranean life history is like trying to put out the fire in the mouth of a volcano by throwing in some water. It isn't going to work.

You have to extinguish the volcanic activity outright in order to truly be successful.

There-in lays the problem.

Most people don't want to release their life history from their mind or body.

Those who do likely believe that it is not even possible and hence give up trying.

I want you all to know that not only is it possible when it