Choosing Suitable Clothing for Babies

Children seem to go through clothing at an alarming rate. They either grow out of it almost as fast as they grow into it, or the rough and tumble of play causes irreparable damage. So when you're buying clothes for your children, it's important to think about what you're buying, not just in terms of price, but also in terms of its suitability for your child.

With infants, it's important to remember that they feel the cold. It takes a while for their bodies to learn how to adjust to different conditions, and so it's up to you to make sure your child is dressed appropriately. I was told once that you should always dress a baby in one layer more than you're wearing yourself, and I've found that to be a good rule of thumb. If you're in a particularly cold environment, remember baby's extremities should be covered with a hat, gloves, and perhaps add a blanket as well. If baby is sweating or his skin is red, you may be dressing him too warmly.

The flip side of this, too, is to take care during warmer weather. Babies might struggle to generate their own body heat, but they're also still learning to cool themselves down. Dress baby in cooler materials, with good ventilation, but still check to make sure baby's extremities are warm.

No matter what temperature it is, baby's clothing should allow free movement of all part's of the child's body. Clothes that are too tight could cut off circulation to a part of baby's body. This is particularly true once baby is learning to roll over and then crawl - he needs to be able to do those things without being restricted by clothing. Dresses may look very pretty on your baby girl, but can be extremely difficult to crawl in.

The material the clothing is made from is also important. Baby's skin is very sensitive, and rougher materials can cause irritation. You also may find using a special baby detergent is best when washing baby's clothes, as it is also less likely to cause irritation and rashes.

Your baby's clothing shouldn't have too many decorations, like ribbons or large buttons. If these items become detached, they could be a choking hazard.

Remember, too, that lots of babies don't like having their diaper or clothes changed. So anything that can help make the process quick and easy is worth having in the wardrobe. I always had loads of baby jumpsuits or all in ones in my baby's wardrobe. These had snaps or pop studs from the neck all the way down to the knees. That meant it was possible to change the diaper without having to remove much clothing, but at the same time it was easy to remove the whole jumpsuit and replace it in only a few seconds. The other thing I liked about these was how easily you could add layers of clothing or blankets over the top if baby was a bit cold, and remove them if baby was hot.

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