Improve Your Golf Game With Basic Golf Swing Fundamentals

One of the most important golf swing fundamentals is to make sure that your shoulder turns correctly and in alignment with your golf ball. Many people concentrate on the back swing and follow through keeping their shoulders in the right direction and the act of moving smoothly and correctly is not always thought to be as significant as it really is. Keeping your swing smooth and flowing means that the power can be transferred much more easily and accurately from the head of the golf club to the ball. This is one of the most important goal swing fundamentals to learn and one that is often overlooked by beginning golfers.

Another one of the more important golf swing fundamentals is also one of the most obvious. You need to keep your head straight and look at the ball throughout the swing. In order to successfully achieve this allow your head to sit in a normal position parallel to the ground and do not try to keep your head into your chest in the hope that this will keep you all eyes on the ball. The more natural and relaxed your head position is the more likely you will be to keep your head looking downwards towards the ball for the entire strike.

One of the most simple golf swing fundamentals is to make sure that you stay relaxed throughout the shot. This will prevent your body from tensing up and having less control over the accuracy of the swing and provide you with a greater control and accuracy of the golf shot. Taking several practice swings before your actual golf shot can help you to more easily achieve this relaxed state. Even if it is a relatively simple shot and you think that a few swings may be sufficient if you actually take several more practice swings you'll find yourself a lot more relaxed when you take the final swing.

Learning to transfer your weight smoothly from one foot to the other in a smooth flowing manner can make a great deal of difference to your golf game. If there is any rigidity in your movements it can adversely your swing. As mentioned previously, by taking several practice swings you will find that the motion is much smoother and more natural flowing. Although you can spend a great deal of money on golf lessons and videos it is also worthwhile to spend a little time practicing some of the more basic golf swing fundamentals. This could greatly improve your game and make the lessons that you learn even more effective.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more golf swing tips, putting tips and more information on golf swing fundamentals that you can research in your pajamas on his website.