Betta Fish Facts to Know

Betta fish or Betta Splendens or Siamese fighting fish are native to the lands of Thailand, Vietnam, China, and other related regions. They were first spotted in Cambodia, Thailand. In fact, Cambodia use to be known as Siam, hence the name Siamese fighting fish. They are called fighting fish, because they are extremely territorial. Males cannot be kept together because all they will do is fight until one or both are seriously injured. Betta fish can grow to three inches are famous for their long flowing fins.

You can pick out a betta fish right away in a tank because they look like something completely different from other fish. A betta fish is usually in shades of blues, reds, purples, or sometimes-even white. The way to spot a male is because males are more vibrant in color and their fins are longer. Females also have some vertical stripes when healthy. If you think that you may be looking at a female betta fish in the pet store, but don