How To Have A Good Relationship With Money

When it comes to personal finance and money matters in general it's important to understand the role money plays in your life. Whether you like it or not, money makes the world go around.

Some people seem to attract money like a magnet and live in the lap of luxury while others are simply comfortable and have what they need.

Unfortunately there are also those who always worry about never having enough, those who spend what they have so quickly and without thought that they have nothing to show for it, and still others who hang onto the almighty buck so tightly that they can't enjoy what they have.

What's your personal relationship with money?

Do you earn lots of money but spend it just as fast as you make it?

Do you bring in a decent salary but find you're always struggling to stay on top of your bills?

Do you hold onto your money with a tight fist and agonize over every penny spent?

If you answered 'yes' to any of the above you're not alone, most people have personal money issues of one kind or another.

No matter how bleak your personal finances look you can learn how to manage your money better.

The key is to acknowledge your downfalls and have the willpower to do better. You also need to learn how to make money your friend, not your enemy.

What is your money management style?

Do you feel out of control when it comes to your personal finances?

Money management can be frustrating but it CAN and WILL get better with a positive attitude and a belief in yourself.

The first step is to pull your head out of the sand and take positive action toward learning how to manage your money better.

The second step is to look at your beliefs about money. This is important because nothing in life holds us back more than having negative beliefs. If you don't believe you can do it - you won't. You see, our thoughts are based on our personal beliefs. And our actions come about as a result of our thoughts.

In other words, if you believe you're hopeless with money - you will be. If you believe you'll never be successful - you won't.

In order to become a better money manager, you need to have a positive belief in yourself and in your ability to effect a change.

For creative tips on how to manage your money better visit

Sherrie Le Masurier is a columnist who writes extensively on personal finance issues. To learn how to become a better money manager visit her blog - Copyright.