Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

The problem of plantar fasciitis is commonly seen among runners, people who are overweight, people with flat feet or high arches, or those who stand on their feet for long hours doing their jobs. In most cases, non-surgical treatment can help a person to get rid of the problem. The duration, as well as the nature, of treatment may vary from one patient to the other. While it may take six weeks for some, it might take longer than six months for others to get effectively cured.

Treatment for plantar fasciitis should be initiated immediately upon occurrence of the problem. This helps in getting rid of the problem in a very short time. Delay may cause the problem to become aggravated and may require more than six months for the problem to heal.

Treatment in the initial stages includes adequate rest, applying ice to the area of pain after routine activities, some gentle stretching and strengthening exercises to relax the tissues and anti-inflammatory medicines for relief from pain. Wearing of night splints is also recommended to keep the tissues gently stretched during the night to relieve the patient from the painful experience of the first morning steps.

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