Will 190 Million Immigrants Cause a Civil War

How many illegal immigrants does it cause to start a civil war is a question that many are asking now in Congress. It seems that it would be possible if in 20-years we did not stop the flow of illegal immigration and these protests we just witnessed were 10 times larger that we might have seen quite a different problem. But how could we possibly get 190 illegal immigrants in our nation? Well simple really, if we allowed all Mexican Illegal Immigrants to come in and Mexico City had another Earthquake like in 1985 and the city crumbled over 20 million would come here.

If China had a civil war or industrial revolution and/or Bird Flu caused people to flee in fear, we could end up with over a ten to twenty year period 190 million illegal immigrants with some turning into legal citizens but carrying sympathetic roots to the illegal aliens and thus we could easily have a Civil War. One non-profit group, which is actually planning a rally on July First of 2006 to protest the illegal immigration protestors stated;