What Do You See as the Top Barriers to Your Success in Life?

What is one thing that you consider to be one of the top barriers that is keeping you from achieving personal success?

Well, in this specific article, IT IS NOT YOU! It's other people; more specifically, all of the negative people that YOU CHOSE to surround yourself with!

Did you know that YOU are the one who has the final decision to decide whether or not to LET these people affect you or not? Really, it is YOUR CHOICE! And yes, I know, sometimes it can feel as though you are being surrounded like a tidal wave of resistance. So... What do you do?

One thing that we know is that there is a lot of negativity in this world; we see it daily in the media, on the internet and in our personal lives. But why is it that so many people always seem to fear the worst in every situation, even though that thinking is simply not reality?

Pessimism and perpetual worrying about what others are thinking or believing about you and your activities on a constant basis will achieve nothing and can and will ultimately be extremely damaging.

We know that the basic Laws of Attraction state that we become magnets for whatever we focus our thoughts or attentions on - BOTH DESIRED AND THE UN-DESIRED! In other words, what you think about, dream about and worry about...YOU BECOME!

Your personal thoughts and actions truly CREATE your own personal reality. For example, right now, you may be focusing you attention on all of the NEGATIVE EVENTS in your life that simply are not working, both in your personal and financial life.

But, by dwelling on what isn't working for you or IS NOT happening in your life, you remain "STUCK", thus, attracting MORE OF THE EXACT SAME THINGS THAT YOU ARE TRYING TO AVOID!

Did you know that Negative people tend to attract and give out negative or LIKE ENERGY? And simply by following the principles of the Law of Attraction, these same people that you are being attracted to are most likely the same people that are continually stuck in their own mediocrity, misfortune and dead end lives. Powerful Huh?

Now, strangers or casual acquaintances with poison and venom in their words are easy to deflect, BUT WHAT HAPPENS IF YOUR SPOUSE, PARTNER, or CLOSE FRIEND is continually carrying around the negative energy that I am speaking of; how can you deal with someone who continually focuses their attention on being negative?

Will their doom and gloom eventually consume you? Or can you, through your actions and words, transfer your positive energy to them and assist them in parting their personal grey clouds that surround them and simply show them how they PERSONALLY can create the sunshine in their lives that they so deserve?

First of all, I want you to remember that YOU ALWAYS have a choice whether or not to participate. It takes two to argue or to create conflict, and you can always choose what you bring into YOUR life, YOUR space and what YOU choose to talk about.

For instance, if your partner or friend is always complaining again about what's wrong with their lives, you can either buy into their bleakness and turn the whole conversation into a groan fest, or you can take the conversation to a higher level by vibrating at a different frequency.

Try to get them to vibrate along with your brighter, more optimistic tone.

Here is an idea....Try asking yourself and the perpetual negative person this question "So what do you want?