Lack of Strength of Character

Weakness is not a human trait and certainly our species could have never gotten this far had we been weak. Some volcano, Earthquake or Saber Tooth Tiger surely would have ended our short evolutionary run. So why is it we have so many pansies out there now?

Why is everyone lacking strength of character? What happened to everyone, where did they go all of a sudden? Is political correctness the new rule, is that the reason for this lack of strength of character? If it is, well I say that is no excuse, rather it is a reason to press on, take some hits, tell it like it is and move the ball down the field for the common good, using reality as your guide.

Why then did everyone turn off, stop caring and why on Earth are they setting for a life of mediocrity? We can do better than this really; how so you ask? Well simple, we teach our children that nothing good in life is easy; that one must work hard and smart and do the right things in life. We must educate our selves and our offspring that doing what you say you are going to do is indeed paramount and that never giving up is a virtue of the highest level.

We must insure that our children are well versed in the realities of commitment, honor, perseverance, dedication and integrity. We must instill a sense of strength of character in every one if we are to make sure that the forward progression of mankind is indeed achieved. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author

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