How to Find a Girlfriend

There is nothing better in this world than being with someone you love.

If you are looking for a girlfriend - your sweetheart, your soulmate, you may need a few quick tips. It's true - there is never an easier choice for a boy to make than finding a girl. Easy though it may be, some confused nerds find it hard.

Many of us go either for her figure or her face, or some pretty combination of both. The smarter ones go for the size of her purse or the number of credit cards she holds.

Personality does matter. It must match that of yours. Could be complementary.

In the end what really matters is how well their natures match each other. This is a matter of deeper understanding. Their values, outlook toward life, way of living, the whole mental set in short, should not conflict. I think love allows us to find a good match. If I feel real love for someone, then she is more likely to be a good match for me than a girl with any other point of attraction in her.

It is a meeting of two similar natures that makes all the difference between a good and a bad match.

This they come to know when they see each other. The eyes tell everything - who is meant for whom and not.

There is no other trick to finding a girlfriend. She is to be looked for. If you are lucky, she will be found, someday or the other.

Then you can be really happy in life. She will be your comfort in difficult times. Her arms will soothe your stressed body. Her sweet voice will put you to sleep.

The author is a freelance writer.