Why Having A Strong Internet Marketing Strategy Can Change Your Business

Copyright 2006 Vision Business Concepts Inc

For some business owners, the definition of an Internet marketing strategy is merely having a website.

While that may have worked ten years ago, trying to compete with 8 billion other web pages today will simply be ineffective. Without defining your key strategies, your site will have no power to bring in any leads, and ultimately no additional revenue.

Creating a strong Internet marketing strategy can be accomplished by working on four tasks.

1. Defining your target market. Just like in your traditional marketing, your online marketing clientele must be identified.

Start with your current clientele. Every business has one type of client that serves them best. Think about that person, and take a few minutes to define their likes and interests. How are you reaching them in your traditional marketing?

2. Discovering where they exist online.

Once you have a clear definition of who your target is, realize that those same people exist all around the world. What works for you in your local environment will transfer easily into the online world.

Look around for similar resources online.

If you target new moms, and use a local parenting magazine to generate leads, look into the online parenting sites. Many of them have online classified sections, or will allow you to place banner ads in their newsletters or on the site itself.

If you